1. Dr. A. K. Sen Sharma Endowment Lecture on Minimally Invasive Endocrine Surgery at 77th Annual Congress of Association of Surgeons of India, at Jaipur from 26th to 30th Dec. 2017
2. Prof. S. N. Mathur Memorial Oration on our Experience of Endoscopic Thyroid Surgery at XLIII Annual Conference Association of Surgeons of India, UP Chapter at BHU, Varanasi from 17th to 19th Nov 2017
3. Prof. P. J. Deshpande Memorial Guest Lecture, on "Carcinoma Breast" by Department of Shalya Tantra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on 1st Aug 2017
4. First Prize in Best Paper award on "Endoscopic Thyroidectomy through Breast and Axillary Approach: Initial Institutional Experience" in "9th Annual Conference of Society of Endoscopic and laparoscopic Surgeons of India & 9th Indian Hernia Society -2016 (9th SELSICON 2016 & 9th IHSCON 2016), at Agra from 4th - 6th Nov. 2016.
5. R.L. Gupta Subharti Oration on minimally invasive Endocrine surgery at 41st Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India, UP Chapter, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, 19th to 22nd Nov 2015
6. T.P. Banerjee Symposium on How to answer the question after podium presentation at 41st Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India, UP Chapter, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, 19th to 22nd Nov 2015
7. International Fellowship for Robotic Thyroid Surgery at Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, South Korea, from May 25th 2015 to Aug 15th 2015.
8. Young Scientist Travel Grant award for future oriented presentation at 115th Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society held in Nagoya, Japan 2015
9. Dr. A.K. Mehrotra Guest Lecture Award, for presenting guest lecture on Incidental Thyroid Carcinoma: A Management Dilemma, by Associations of Surgeons of India, U.P. & Uttrakhand Chapter, at Aligarh Muslim University on 14th to 16th Nov. 2014
10. First Prize in Best paper award, presented at 2nd annual conference of Society of Endo-Laparoscopic Surgeons of Agra- AGRA LAPCON 2014, from 4th to 5th Oct, 2014
11. DST International Travel Grant to attend "5th World Congress of IFHNOS & Annual Meeting of the AHNS-2014" at Marriott Marquis, New York City, NY, USA, from July 26th to 30th, 2014
12. Young Scientist Travel Grant to attend Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society (JSS), Kyoto, Japan, 2014.
13. Young Outstanding Teacher Award from Associations of Surgeons of India, U.P. & Uttrakhand Chapter, awarded at Ghaziabad on 22nd Nov. 2013
14. First Prize on Quiz competition at Annual Conference of Northern Thyroid Society, NTSCON-2013, Saharanpur, UP. On 11th August 2013
15. Honorary membership of World federation of Surgical Oncology Societies (WESOS), Belgrade, Serbia on 18.04.2013
16. Honorary PhD. By Serbian Royal academy of scientists and Artists, Belgrade, Serbia on 18.04.2013
17. Honorary membership of Serbian Royal academy of scientists and Artists, Belgrade, Serbia on 18.04.2013
18. UICC Fellowship (ICRETT) 2010: Work in Head & Neck Services, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA (Prof.J.P.Shah) for Training in Advance Thyroid Cancer Surgery, Sept. 27th to 26th Oct. 2010.
19. Young Scientist Travel Grant to attend Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society (JSS), Nagoya, Japan, 2010.