
    Co supervisor for PhD Thesis

    1. The role of islet autoimmunity and mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha and mitochondrial gene in the aetiology of non-insulin dependent diabetes of the young submitted by Ravi Prakash Sahu in October 2006 and successfully defended.
    2. Mutation analysis of COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes in Indian patients with osteogenesis imperfecta submitted by Joshi Stephen, March 2014 and successfully defended.

    Grant intramural

    1. Is there a non-autoimmune subgroup of insulin- dependent diabetes? One year Rs 1,28,000.00 in April 2000.
    2. Role of IPF-1 gene mutations in Maturity Onset Diabetes of Young and type 2 Diabetes patients from North India. One year, RS. 1,05,000.00 April 2002
    3. Glucose tolerance and Adiponectin in PCOS women: A follow up study. 16 Jan 2009 for Two years, Rs. 2,00,000.00
    4. Study of metabolic characteristics and insulin resistance in lean patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. 13 July 2013for two years, Rs 3,00,000
    5. Assessment of cardiovascular disease risk in first degree relatives of PCOS women. Dec 2013 for two years, Rs 2,50,000.00
    6. Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in young females with type 1 diabetes. March 2015 2 years, Rs 3,00,000.00
    7. Assessment of dietary intake and eating behavior in women with of polycystic ovary syndrome. March 2016 2 years Rs 3,28,664.00
    8. Long term follow up of macroprolactinomas March 2018 2 years Rs 3,23, 600
    9. 24 hours glucose profile in GDM December 2018, 2 years Rs 2,65,000

    Grants Extramural

    1. Induction of puberty in males with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with HCG funded by Royal Children Hospital Melbourne, Australia. January 2009 for two years, AUD 10,000.00.
    2. A study of prevalence of Polycystic Ovary syndrome in young women from Lucknow funded by UPCST, Lucknow. Two Years, Rs. 4,48,000.00 Feb 2010
    3. Assessment of cardiovascular disease risk in young urban women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from Northern India. Funded by ICMR, New Delhi. Rs. 9,00,000.00 Jan 2011


    1. Study of hyper-catecholaminism induced cardiac dysfunction and its reversal following surgical cure in pheochromocytoma patientsSGPGIMS for 1,50,000.00 for two years Dec 2008
    2. To study the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms and celiac disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes submitted for intra mural funding for Rs 90,000 for 2 years July 2011
    3. Effects of catecholamine excess on glucose and fat metabolism in pheochromocytoma & paraganglioma patients and their reversal following surgical cure: a prospective cohort study December 2020 2 years