Page 22 - eBook_CCM
P. 22
Meera Kumar
Sr. Incharge
Department of Critical Care Medicine
SGPGIMS, Lucknow
Respected HOD Sir,
Dr. Baronia this is for bidding farewell to you, after completing 32 years of long, sincere, dedicated & fruitful service to the institution.
You have been no less than a guardian to us all, for always guiding us on the right path and made us realize the true meaning of
success. Your mentor ship is just unforgettable.
Golden memories roll off in front of our eyes, that how you developed the department from initial structure itself with such a great
planning, while being continuously involved & be a equal participant in day to day developments as a leader, instead of just being a
boss. Thanks sir, for being an everlasting inspiration to us & for all the moments of your enormous support for us all.
It was our immense pleasure to be selected & appointed by you as staff to work in CCM. It was such a great privileged experience on
our part to work under your excellent leadership. You always provided us with a perfect atmosphere of motivation n respect, which in
turn encouraged us to be condent while taking difcult decisions, while being compassionate and helpful, so as to administer &
provide optimal medical care to patients, even in the absence of doctors at the time of emergency.
You gave us right directions to develop critical thinking, reasoning skills to utilize education optimally into practice, so as to improve
patient’s health & well being.
An Institution’s hallmarking & branding depends on the individuals who have served the institution, that too not only with the number
of years of service, but the commitment, involvement & innovation with which one has served. And you did exactly the same.
We hope and wish from the core of our heart that you have a very happy & prosperous life ahead.
Meera Kumar
Sr. Incharge
Department of Critical Care Medicine
SGPGIMS, Lucknow
Respected HOD Sir,
Dr. Baronia this is for bidding farewell to you, after completing 32 years of long, sincere, dedicated & fruitful service to the institution.
You have been no less than a guardian to us all, for always guiding us on the right path and made us realize the true meaning of
success. Your mentor ship is just unforgettable.
Golden memories roll off in front of our eyes, that how you developed the department from initial structure itself with such a great
planning, while being continuously involved & be a equal participant in day to day developments as a leader, instead of just being a
boss. Thanks sir, for being an everlasting inspiration to us & for all the moments of your enormous support for us all.
It was our immense pleasure to be selected & appointed by you as staff to work in CCM. It was such a great privileged experience on
our part to work under your excellent leadership. You always provided us with a perfect atmosphere of motivation n respect, which in
turn encouraged us to be condent while taking difcult decisions, while being compassionate and helpful, so as to administer &
provide optimal medical care to patients, even in the absence of doctors at the time of emergency.
You gave us right directions to develop critical thinking, reasoning skills to utilize education optimally into practice, so as to improve
patient’s health & well being.
An Institution’s hallmarking & branding depends on the individuals who have served the institution, that too not only with the number
of years of service, but the commitment, involvement & innovation with which one has served. And you did exactly the same.
We hope and wish from the core of our heart that you have a very happy & prosperous life ahead.
Meera Kumar