- Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences
- Fellow of national Academy of Science, Allahabad
- Fellow of National Academy of Science, Bangalore
- International Malaviya Travelling Professorship for the year 2020 to develop Rheumatology at a Medical College
- India Institute award of University of Birmingham, UK 2019
Department of Biotechnology
- Overseas Research Associateship Award 2005-06, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. For training abroad for 3 months. Availed at Oklahoma health science center in Department of pediatric rheumatology. USA
- National Bio-sciences Award for Career Development, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, 2004-07.
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
- Kashanika Oration award (Senior scientist award to a women scientist for biomedical research) for research 2005
- Dr Kamala Menon Award (Senior scientist award for research in Pediatrics) for research work on juvenile idiopathic arthritis for the year 2001.
- Shakuntala Amir Chand Award (Young scientist award for research in Medicine) for the year 1998.
Asia-Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR)
- 9th APLAR Congress Travel Fellowship to attend the 2000 Quadrennial Conference of APLAR at Beijing, China.
- 8th APLAR Congress Scholarship to attend the 1996 Quadrennial conference of the APLAR at Melbourne, Australia
- APLAR fellowship for training in Rheumatology. 1995. Trained at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia for 3 months.
- Awarded the notable oral presentation award at the 1st International congress on controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity (CORA2011) held at Florence, Italy, March 2011
- Association of Physicians of India:Dr Coelho Memorial Lecturership in Experimental Medicine (2005) of the Association of Physicians of India
- Pediatric Rheumatology society of India: Balu Athreya Oration for substantial work in Pediatric Rheumatology 2015
Indian Rheumatology Association (IRA)
- IRA oration for contribution to Rheumatology 2012
- Zydus Oration for significant scientific contributions to Rheumatology. 2002.
- First prize for best scientific paper at the annual conference of IRA, New Delhi. 2003.
- Boots' Best Paper Award of the IRA for the best research paper presented at the Annual Conference at Calcutta, 1993.
SGPGI, Lucknow
- SR Naik award for best researcher at SGPGI 2012
- Awarded a certificate of merit for intramural project 2007
- Prof R.N.Rath Oration by the Odisha chapter of IRA 2019