Prof Aditya Kapoor

    Professor and Head,
    Department of Cardiology
    SGPGIMS, Lucknow

About Department

The department of Cardiology was amongst the first departments established in late 1987. Currently, the department has a whole range of facilities for diagnosing and treating all varieties of cardiac diseases. Besides necessary equipments, the department has two active cardiac catheterization laboratories and is amongst the top 10 large volume centers in the country actively involved in both pediatric and adult cardiac interventions including coronary interventions and coronary angioplasties, balloon valvuloplasties and interventions for congenital heart disease and peripheral vascular diseases.

Department is recognized nationally and internationally for complex high-risk angioplasty including CTO intervention and is one of the largest volume interventional center of Cardiology in the state. First center in Uttar Pradesh to start nearly one and every new interventional cardiology procedures over last 30 years. We did first angioplasty of the state in 1991 and first TAVI of the state in 2016.

Departmental focus is more on clinical work and it has been excelling in the same with national and international recognition and quality of services are equal to best within anywhere in the country for interventional cardiology. More than 20-25 live transmissions in various national and international meeting done over last 10 years for complex PCI/CTO procedures.

Research focus is largely on investigator initiate projects and publications generated out of the same. Government sponsored/public health related/state run health projects have not been the thrust area of the department till now.

Faculty has been involved as co-author in few extramural projects and in consensus statement/guidelines of management of different subspecialty areas within the country and also internationally.