Meherji Mehta Memorial Oration by Indian Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, delivered at Annual Meeting of IACTS at Ahmedabad, February 2020.
Fellowship of National Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) awarded by National Academy of Medical Sciences in September 2018
Fellowship of Cardiological Society of India (FCSI) since 2016
Fellowship of international college of surgeons.(FICS) in the year 2014
Appointed National Board examiner for CVTS since 2014
Appointed reviewer of many national and international peer reviewed indexed journals.
Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK (FRCS) awarded ad eundem in the year 2012
Travel grant of Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery to present a paper at the Annual conference held in Sendai, Japan in October 2007
ICRETT fellowship of UICC for training in Management of lung and mediastinal malignancies by VATS at Sapporo Medical University, Sapporo, Japan (May 2006)
Membership of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MAMS) awarded by National Academy of Medical Sciences in April 2004
Travel Grant Award of Japan Surgical Society for presenting a paper at 104th annual conference of JSS at Sapporo, Japan in June 2003.
Commonwealth Fellow at the Vascular Surgery unit of the Royal Free Hospital, London. January 2001 till January 2002
Travel Grant Award of Japan Surgical Society for presenting a paper at 95th annual conference of JSS at Nagoya, Japan in April 2003
Government of Japan (Monbusho) scholarship for training and research in Vascular Surgery and Microvascular techniques at First Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan.
Selby Gold Medal in Surgery for standing first in Surgery at final MBBS examination of Lucknow University in 1987.
Distinction, Silver Medal and Certificate of Honour in Surgery at final MBBS exam.
Certificates of Honour in Medicine, Ophthalmology and Obstetrics and Gynaecology in final MBBS exam.
Member (scientific societies)
Fellow of Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS) since Feb 2000 (was a member since January 1993)
Cardiological Society of India (CSI) since January 2000
European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) Jan 1999
Vascular Society of India (VSI) since June 2004
Member National Academy of medical Sciences, India