Research Articles Published |
87 |
2019 |
Mishra P, Singh U, Pandey CM, Mishra P, Pandey G. Application of Student's t-test, Analysis of variance and Covariance. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2019; 22(4) (Accepted for publication Oct-Dec 2019 issue). |
86 |
2019 |
Mishra P, Pandey CM, Singh U, Keshri A, Sabaretnam M. Selection of Appropriate Statistical Methods for Data Analysis. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2019; 22(3): 297-301. |
85 |
2019 |
Mishra P, Pandey CM, Singh U, Gupta A , Sahu C, Keshri A. Descriptive statistics and normality tests for statistical data. Annals of Cardiac Anesthesia 2019. 22(1):67-72. |
84 |
2018 |
Mishra P, Pandey CM, Singh U, Gupta A. Scales of Measurement and Presentation of Statistical Data. Ann Card Anaesth. 2018 Oct-Dec; 21(4): 419-422. |
83 |
2017 |
Mishra P, Pandey CM, Singh U, Sharma V, Yadav SS, Kar R. Sample size estimation for clinical research studies using mean and proportion. International Journal of Scientific Research 2017; 6(9):587-589. |
82 |
2016 |
Mishra P, Sharma V, Pandey CM, Singh U, Panda GK, Kotwal A. Annual and decadal trend of human risk of flood hazards in India.International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2016, Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14121-14124. |
81 |
2016 |
Awasthi A, Pandey CM, Chauhan RK, Singh U. Disparity in maternal, newborn and child health services in high focus states in India: a district-level cross-sectional analysis. BMJ Open 2016;6:e009885 |
80 |
2016 |
Mishra P, Pandey CM, Singh U, Panda GK, Kar R, Sharma V. Statistical study of human casualty due to major natural hazards in India. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management 4.2 (2016): 67. |
79 |
2016 |
Mishra P, Pandey CM, Singh U, Yadav SS, Sharma V. Evaluation and application of diagnostic accuracy in clinical decision-making. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2016; 5(10) |
78 |
2015 |
Sonam Bedi, CM Pandey, Amit Gupta, Narayan Prasad, Anupama Kaul, Dharmendra Bhadauria, Uttam Singh, RK Sharma, "Renal Transplant: Tacrolimus use and two week post-transplant serum creatinine levels predict early acute rejections", published in Indian Journal of Transplantation, Vol. 9, Issue 3, Pg 90-94, July-September, 2015. |
77 |
2015 |
Mishra S, Pandey CM, Chaubey YP and Uttam Singh. Determinants of child malnutrition in empowered action group (EAG) states of India. Statistics and Applications Volume 13, Nos. 1&2, 2015 (New Series), pp. 1-9 |
76 |
2014 |
Ashish Awasthi, CM Pandey, Uttam Singh, Sarvesh Kumar, TB Singh, Maternal Determinants of Immunization Status of Children Aged 12-23 Months in urban slums of Varanasi, India , Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Available online 18 August 2014, |
75 |
2014 |
Ashish Awasthi, CM Pandey, Uttam Singh, Sarvesh Kumar, TB Singh, Maternal Determinants of Immunization Status of Children Aged 12-23 Months in urban slums of Varanasi, India , Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Available online 18 August 2014, |
74 |
2013 |
Devendra Gupta, Shashi Srivastava, Rajeev K Dubey, Prabhakar S Prakash, Prabhat K Singh, Uttam Singh. 08-OA-An-observational-study-of-the-risk-factors.Indian journal of anaesthesia.2011 |
73 |
2013 |
Ambesh SP, Singh N, Rao PB, Gupta Devendra, Singh PK, Singh U..A combination of the modified Mallampati score, thyromental distance, anatomical abnormality, and cervical mobility (M-TAC) predicts difficult laryngoscopy better than Mallampati classification. Act AnaesthesiologicaTaiwanica. 51(2013): 58-62. |
72 |
2013 |
Gupta D, Kishore K, Rastogi S, Singh PK, Agarwal A, Singh U. A Comparative Evaluation of Local Application of the Combination of Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics and Capsaicin for Attenuation of Venipuncture Pain. Anesthesia and analgesia 116(3):568-71, March 2013. |
71 |
2012 |
Shally Awasthi, Kasturi Shukla, H Chandra, Uttam Singh, S Thakur. Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in school-going adolescents: Validation of PedsQL instrument and comparison with WHOQOL-BREF. The National medical journal of India. 2012. |
70 |
2012 |
Shally Awasthi, Kasturi Agnihotri, Savitri Thakur, Uttamsingh, Hem Chandra. Quality of care as a determinant of health-related quality of life in ill-hospitalized adolescents at a tertiary care hospital in North India. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2012 |
69 |
2012 |
Sinha N, Kumar S, Rai H, Singh N, Kapoor A, Tewari S, Saran RK, Narain VS, Bharadwaj RP, Bansal RK, Saxena PC, Sinha PR, Gupta PR, Mishra M, Jain P, Pandey CM, Singh U, Agarwal SS. Patterns and determinants of dyslipidaemia in 'Young' versus 'Not so Young' patients of coronary artery disease: a multicentric, randomised observational study in northern India. Indian Heart J. 2012 May-Jun;64(3):229-35. |
68 |
2011 |
Shally Awasthi, Kasturi Agnihotri, Uttam Singh, Hem Chandra. Determinants of Health Related Quality of Life in School-Going Adolescents in Northern India. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics. May 2011 |
67 |
2011 |
A Kaul, R K Sharm, A Gupta, U Singh. Cardiovascular disease in live related renal transplantation. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 2011. |
66 |
2011 |
Devendra Gupta, Shashi Srivastava, Rajeev K Dubey, Prabhakar S Prakash, Prabhat K Singh, Uttam Singh. Comparative evaluation of atenolol and clonidine premedication on cardiovascular response to nasal speculum insertion during trans-sphenoid surgery for resection of pituitary adenoma: A prospective, randomised, double-blind, controlled study. Indian journal of anaesthesia 55(2):135-40 March 2011 |
65 |
2010 |
Kasturi Agnihotri, Shally Awasthi, Uttam Singh, Hem Chandra, Savitri Thakur. A study of concordance between adolescent self-report and parent-proxy report of health-related quality of life in school-going adolescents. Journal of psychosomatic research 69(6):525-32 December 2010 |
64 |
2010 |
Amit Agarwal, Prateek K Mehrotra, Manoj Jain, Uttam Singh. Size of the Tumor and Pheochromocytoma of the Adrenal Gland Scaled Score (PASS): Can They Predict Malignancy?.. World Journal of Surgery.2010. |
63 |
2010 |
Padmanabha D Shenoy, Sudeep Kumar, Lalan K Jha, Sunil K Choudhary ,Uttam Singh, Ramnath Misra,Vikas Agarwal . Efficacy of tadalafil in secondary Raynaud's phenomenon resistant to vasodilator therapy: A double-blind randomized cross-over trial. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 49(12):2420-8 December 2010. |
62 |
2010 |
Rana C, Sharma S, Agrawal V, Singh U. Bone marrow angiogenesis in multiple myeloma and its correlation with clinicopathological factors. Ann Hematol. 2010 Aug;89(8):789-94. |
61 |
2010 |
Yachha SK, Goel A, Khanna V, Poddar U, Srivastava A, Singh U. Ascitic form of sporadic acute viral hepatitis in children: a distinct entity for recognition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2010 Feb;50(2):184-7.. |
60 |
2010 |
Agnihotri K, Awasthi S, Chandra H, Singh U, Thakur S. Validation of WHO QOL-BREF instrument in Indian adolescents. Indian J Pediatr. 2010 Apr;77(4):381-6. |
59 |
2009 |
Yadav S, Gupta SK, Godbole MM, Jain M, Singh U, V Pavithran P, Boddula R, Mishra A, Shrivastava A, Tandon A, Ora M, Chowhan A, Shukla M, Yadav N, Babu S, Dubey M, Awasthi PK. Persistence of severe iodine-deficiency disorders despite universal salt iodization in an iodine-deficient area in northern India. Public Health Nutr. 2010 Mar;13(3):424-9. |
58 |
2009 |
Ambesh SP, Singh N, Gupta D, Singh PK, Singh U. A huffing manoeuvre, immediately before induction of anaesthesia, prevents fentanyl-induced coughing: a prospective, randomized, and controlled study. British Journal Anaesthesia. 2010 Jan; 104(1):40-3. |
57 |
2009 |
Ashwani K Mishra, Dilip C. Nath, Uttam Singh, Kashi Nath Prasad, Rakesh K Gupta, Chandra M Pandey. The Epidemiological Aspects of Taenia solium Infection in a rural Community of Northern India. Demography India 2009. |
56 |
2009 |
Agarwal A, Gupta D, Yadav G, Goyal P, Singh PK, Singh U. An evaluation of the efficacy of licorice gargles for attenuating postoperative sore throat: a prospective, randomized, single-blind study. AnesthAnalg. 2009 Jul;109(1):77-81. |
55 |
2008 |
P Shenoy, Vikas Agarwal, S Kumar, K Sunil, Lalan Jha, Uttam Singh. O20 Efficacy of Tadalafil in secondary Raynaud's phenomenon resistant to vasodilator therapy: a double blind randomized cross over trial. Indian Journal of Rheumatology 3(3) · November 2008 |
54 |
2008 |
Tripathi M, Pandey M ,Singh U. Dwivedi SNon-smokers are more prone to pulmonary oedema than smokers during acute coronary syndrome. International Journal of Clinical Practice.2008. |
53 |
2008 |
Tripathi M, Singh PK, Nath SS, Singh U. : The response of the vascular beds to sodium bicarbonate in patients during normothermic bypassJCardiothoracVascAnesth. 2008 Apr;22(2):199-203. |
52 |
2008 |
Agarwal A, Yadav G, Gupta D, Tandon M, Singh PK, Singh U. : The role of a flash of light for attenuation of venous cannulation pain: a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study:AnesthAnalg. 2008 Mar;106(3):814-6, |
51 |
2008 |
Agarwal A, Gautam S, Gupta D, Agarwal S, Singh PK, Singh U. Comparative Evaluation of Preoperative Single Dose of Pregabalin versus Gabapentin for Attenuating Postoperative Pain. British Journal Anaesthesia. 2008 Nov; 101(5):700-4. |
50 |
2008 |
Agarwal A, Yadav G, Gupta D, Singh PK, Singh U. Evaluation of intra-operative tramadol for prevention of catheter-related bladder discomfort: a prospective, randomized, double-blind study.British Journal Anaesthesia. 2008; 101(4):506-10. |
49 |
2008 |
Agarwal A, Gautam S, Gupta D, Agarwal S, Singh PK, Singh U. Evaluation of a single preoperative dose of pregabalin for attenuation of postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.British Journal Anaesthesia. 2008; 101(5):700-4. |
48 |
2007 |
Prasad KN, Prasad A, Gupta RK, Pandey CM, Singh U. : Prevalence and associated risk factors of Taenia solium taeniasis in a rural pig farming community of north India. ; Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2007 Dec,101(12),1241-7 |
47 |
2007 |
Agarwal A, Gautam S, Nath SS, Gupta D, Singh U.Comparative Evaluation of Incidence and Severity of Sufentanil Induced Cough Versus Fentanyl: A Prospective, Randomized and Double Blind Study. Anaesthesia. 2007 Dec;62(12):1230-2. |
46 |
2007 |
Agarwal A, Gautam S, Gupta D, Singh U. : Transdermal diclofenac patch vs eutectic mixture of local anesthetics for venous cannulation pain;Can J Anaesth. 2007 Mar;54(3):196-200. |
45 |
2007 |
Dalal A, Pradhan M, Tiwari D, Behari S, Singh U, Mallik GK, Das V, Agarwal S. : MTHFR 677C-->T and 1298A-->C polymorphisms: evaluation of maternal genotypic risk and association with level of neural tube defect.;GynecolObstet Invest. 2007;63(3):146-50. |
44 |
2006 |
Agarwal A, Dhiraaj S, Kumar A, Singhal V, Singh U. Evaluation of a diclofenac transdermal patch for the attenuation of venous cannulation pain: a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Anaesthesia. 2006 Apr;61(4):360-2. |
43 |
2006 |
Grover S, Sinha RP, Singh U, Tewari S, Aggarwal A, Misra R. Subclinical atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis in India. J Rheumatol. 2006 Feb;33(2):244-7. |
42 |
2006 |
Gulati S, Sengupta D, Sharma RK, Sharma A, Gupta RK, Singh U, Gupta A. Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome: role of histopathology.IndianPediatr. 2006 Jan;43(1):55-60. |
41 |
2006 |
CM Pandey, Pradeep Mishra, Uttam Singh and Pankaj K Mishra .Coorelates of Abortion in India: A Socio- Demographic Study Based on RCH data. Biostatistical Aspects of Health and Population Ed Arvind Pandey, Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), New Delhi 2006, 226-234. |
40 |
2006 |
Pradhan S, Ghosh D, Srivastava NK, Kumar A, Mittal B, Pandey CM, Singh U:Prednisolone in Duchenne muscular dystrophy with imminent loss of ambulation. J Neurol. 2006 Jun 19 |
39 |
2006 |
Kumar A, Yachha SK, Poddar U, Singh U, Aggarwal R.Does co-infection with multiple viruses adversely influence the course and outcome of sporadic acute viral hepatitis in children? J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 Oct;21(10):1533-7. |
38 |
2006 |
Gupta D, Agarwal A, Dhiraaj S, Tandon M, Kumar M, Singh RS, Singh PK, Singh U:An evaluation of efficacy of balloon inflation on venous cannulation pain in children: a prospective, randomized, controlled study. AnesthAnalg. 2006 May;102(5):1372-5. |
37 |
2006 |
S Julka, V Bhatia, U Singh,E Northam, P Dabadghao, S Phadke, A Wakhlu and GL Warne:Quality of Life and Gender Role Behavior in Disorders of Sexual Differentation in India: J of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 19,879-888. |
36 |
2005 |
Pandey CK, Raza M, Tripathi M, Navkar DV, Kumar A, Singh U:The comparative evaluation of gabapentin and carbamazepine for pain management in Guillain-Barre syndrome patients in the intensive care unit.AnesthAnalg. 2005 Jul;101(1):220-5, table of contents |
35 |
2005 |
Gulati S, Sharma RK, Gulati K, Singh U, Srivastava A:Longitudinal follow-up of bone mineral density in children with nephrotic syndrome and the role of calcium and vitamin D supplementsNephrol Dial Transplant. 2005 Aug;20(8):1598-603. Epub 2005 Jun 14 |
34 |
2005 |
Pandey CK, Navkar DV, Giri PJ, Raza M, Behari S, Singh RB, Singh U, Singh PK:Evaluation of the optimal preemptive dose of gabapentin for postoperative pain relief after lumbar diskectomy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.JNeurosurgAnesthesiol. 2005 Apr;17(2):65-8. |
33 |
2005 |
Pandey CK, Raza M, Ranjan R, Singhal V, Kumar M, Lakra A, Navkar DV, Agarwal A, Singh RB, Singh U, Singh PK:Intravenous lidocaine 0.5 effectively suppresses fentanyl-induced cough.Can J Anaesth. 2005 Feb;52(2):172-5. |
32 |
2005 |
K.K. Singh, Brijesh P. Singh, Uttam Singh and Kiran Singh "A Study of Fecundability and Sterility at Two Time Point Using a Stochastic Model" in the Journal of Empirical Research in Social Science, Guwahati, 2005 |
31 |
2004 |
Tewari S, Garg N, Kapoor A, Jain A, Singh U, Godbole MM, Sinha N. Association of common carotid intima-media thickness and lipoprotein(a) with coronary artery disease.Indian Heart J. 2004 Nov-Dec;56(6):642-5. |
30 |
2004 |
Pandey CK, Sahay S, Gupta D, Ambesh SP, Singh RB, Raza M, Singh U, Singh PK. Preemptive gabapentin decreases postoperative pain after lumbar discoidectomy.Can J Anaesth. 2004 Dec;51(10):986-9. |
29 |
2004 |
Pandey CK, Raza M, Ranjan R, Lakra A, Agarwal A, Singh U, Singh RB, Singh PK. Intravenous lidocaine suppresses fentanyl-induced coughing: a double-blind, prospective, randomized placebo-controlled study.AnesthAnalg. 2004 Dec;99(6):1696-8 |
28 |
2004 |
Agarwal A, Pandey R, Dhiraaj S, Singh PK, Raza M, Pandey CK, Gupta D, Choudhury A, Singh U. The effect of epidural bupivacaine on induction and maintenance doses of propofol (evaluated by bispectral index) and maintenance doses of fentanyl and vecuronium.AnesthAnalg. 2004 Dec;99(6):1684-8 |
27 |
2004 |
Pandey CK, Azim A, Matreja P, Raza M, Navkar DV, Singh RB, Singh U. Effect of preoperative dexamethasone on edema of oral and extra-oral structures following trans-oral decompression and posterior fusion. J NeurosurgAnesthesiol. 2004 Oct;16(4):267-70. |
26 |
2004 |
Agarwal A, Raza M, Dhiraaj S, Pandey R, Gupta D, Pandey CK, Singh PK, Singh U. Pain during injection of propofol: the effect of prior administration of butorphanol. AnesthAnalg. 2004 Jul;99(1):117-9. |
25 |
2004 |
Pandey CK, Priye S, Singh S, Singh U, Singh RB, Singh PK.Preemptive use of gabapentin significantly decreases postoperative pain and rescue analgesic requirements in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Can J Anaesth.2004 Apr;51(4):358-63 |
24 |
2004 |
Prasad N, Gulati S, Sharma RK, Singh U, Ahmed M. Pulse cyclophosphamide therapy in steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome.Pediatr Nephrol. 2004 May;19(5):494-8. |
23 |
2004 |
Agarwal A, Ansari MF, Gupta D, Pandey R, Raza M, Singh PK, Shiopriye, Dhiraj S, Singh U Pretreatment with thiopental for prevention of pain associated with propofol injection.AnesthAnalg. 2004 Mar;98(3):683-6. |
22 |
2004 |
Agarwal A, Dhiraj S, Raza M, Pandey R, Pandey CK, Singh PK, Singh U, Gupta D. Vein pretreatment with magnesium sulfate to prevent pain on injection of propofol is not justified.Can J Anaesth. 2004 Feb;51(2):130-3. |
21 |
2004 |
Datta NR, Basu R, Das KJ, Rajasekar D, Pandey CM, Singh U, Ayyagari S. Problems and uncertainties with multiple point A's during multiple high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy in carcinoma of the cervix.Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2004 Apr;16(2):129-37. |
20 |
2003 |
Mandani A, Raghavendran M, Srivastava A, Kapoor R, Singh Uttam, Kumar A Bhandari M : Prediction of fragility of urinary calculi by dual X-ray absorptimetry, J. Urol. 2003. Oct, 170 (4 Pt 1): 1097-100 |
19 |
2003 |
Gulati S, Godbie M, Singh U Gulati K, SrivastaA. :Children with idiopathic nephritic syndrome at risk for metabolic bone disease?. Am. J Kidney Dis. 2003 Jnue 4 (6) 1163-9 |
18 |
2003 |
NR Datta, Koi pillai J. Maria Das, RimpaBasu, UttamSingh : Total reference air Kerma: To what extent can it predict intracavitary volume enclosed by isodose surfaces during multiple high-dose rate brachytheraphy? Brachytheraphy 2(2003) 1-7 |
17 |
2003 |
Agarwal A, Azim A, Ambesh S, Bose N, Dhiraj S, Sahu D, Singh U. Salbutamol, beclomethasone or sodium chromoglycate suppress coughing induced by i.v. fentanyl. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2003, 50: 297-300. |
16 |
2003 |
PK Goel, BB Bharti, CM Pandey, Uttam Singh, Stayendra Tewari, Aditya Kapoor, Naveen Garg, Nakul Sinha: A Tertiary Care Hospital- Based Study of Conventional Rosk Factors Including Lipid Profile in Proven Coronary Artery Disease Indian Heart J 2003 : 55, 234-240. |
15 |
2002 |
A Agarwal, U Singh; N Bose; A Gaur; MK Gupta; D Singh: Acupressure and Ondansetron for postoperative nausea and vomting after laparoscopic Cholecystetomy. Candadian Journal of Anesthesia, 49(6), 554-560; 2002 |
14 |
2002 |
Agarwal A, Singh PK, Dhiraj S, Pandey CM, Singh U.: Oxygen in air (FIO(2)0.4) improves gas exchange in young healthy patients during general anesthesia. Canadian Journal of Aneshthesia. 49(10), 1040-1043; 2002 |
13 |
2002 |
Pandey CK, Bose N, Garg G, Sinhg N, Baronia A, Agarwal A, Sinhg PK, Singh U. Gabapentin for the treatment of pain in guillian-barre syndrome: A double-blinded placebo controlled, crossover study. Anesthesia Analog. 95(6), 1719-1723, 2002 |
12 |
2002 |
Singh PK, Agarwal A, Gaur A, Deepali DA, Pandey CK, Singh U. Increasing tidal volumes and PEEP is an effective method of alveolar recuotment. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.49(7), 755;2002 |
11 |
2002 |
CM Pandey, Uttam Singh, BN Bhattacharya, KK Singh, PK Mishra: A probability model for open birth interval. in equilibrium birth process. Biostatistical Aspects of Health and Epidemiology (ed CM Pandey, P Mishra, Uttam Singh), 277-287, 2002 |
10 |
2002 |
K.K. Singh, Brijesh P. Singh, Uttam Singh and Kiran Singh (2002) "Trends in Fecundability and Sterility Over Time" Progress of Mathematics, Vol. 36, No. 1 & 2, pp. 111-129 |
9 |
2002 |
PK Singh, Uttam Singh, CM Pandey, KNS Yadav, AK Mishra. Some Population Growth Models Under Stability Conditions. Biostatistical Aspects of Health and Epidemiology (ed CM Pandey, P Mishra, Uttam Singh), 288-299, 2002 |
8 |
2001 |
CM Pandey,Uttam Singh, VK Singh: Model for first conception under the influence of pre-marital sexuality. Bulletin of the International Statistics Institute, Seoeul, Korea, 2001 Vol 3pp 61-62 |
7 |
1998 |
K.K. Singh, R.C. Yadava, Uttam Singh, Anil Kumar : Testing the suitability of Bongaart's model in the context of fertility preference in rural area of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Demography India Vol. 27, No.2 (1998)pp. 337-351. |
6 |
1996 |
K.K. Singh, C.M. Suchindran, Uttam Singh, Anil Kumar : Tempo of fertility in an age interval - Population and Development in Uttar Pradesh pp. 247-252 ( Pandey, A. ; Gupta, K.) |
5 |
1995 |
B.N. Bhattacharya, K.K. Singh, Uttam Singh : Proximate determinants of fertility in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Human Biology, December 1995, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 867-886. |
4 |
1994 |
K.K. Singh, R.S. Singh, Uttam Singh, Kiran Singh : Levels and trends of fertility and sterility in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Janasankhya Vol. XII V 1&2 1994 pp |
3 |
1989 |
B.N. Bhattacharya, K.K. Singh, Uttam Singh, C.M. Pandey :An extension of model for first birth interval and some social factors Sankhya, 1989, Vol. 51, Series B Pt. I pp. 115-124 |
2 |
1989 |
K.K. Singh, Uttam Singh, B.N. Bhattacharya : An Extension of the model for interior birth interval - Population transition in India (ed. Singh SN, et al), Vol. Ipp. 363-380 |
1 |
1989 |
B.N. Bhattacharya, K.K. Singh, Uttam Singh, C.M. Pandey : Model for birth intervals and traditional factors- Population transition in India ( ed. Singh SN, et al), Vol. Ipp. 382-399 |
Book Edited: |
1. |
Biostatistical Aspects of Health and Epidemiology. Prakashan Kendra, Lucknow 2002 |