1. Secured position in the list of world top 2% Scientest; released by Stanford University (California), USA for the year 2023 (Released in Sep. 2024)
2. Secured position in the list of world top 2% Scientest; released by Stanford University (California), USA for the year 2022 (Released in Oct. 2023)
3. Secured position in the list of world top 2% Scientest; released by Stanford University (California), USA for the year 2021 (Released in Oct. 2022)
4. Received Extramural grants from department of Biotechnology (DBT) for the project "Incidence, determinants and development of risk scoring system of long-term complications in Covid-19 recovered patients: A cohort study" for the duration of 2023-2026 (Total 34.51 Lakhs).
5. Received the best research paper award in Associate Professor Group of Basic Science, for an original research paper "A novel epidemiological scoring system for the prediction of mortality in COVID-19 patients" during 2nd Research Day of SGPGIMS on 13th December 2021.
6. Session Chaired: Research methods session. 5th World congress on public health, London, UK, February 24-25, 2020.
7. Keynote Speaker: The Importance of Sample Size in Research Studies. 5th World congress on public health, London, UK, February 24-25, 2020.
8. Session Chaired: Miscellaneousand Poster session. 10th Asia Pacific Global Summit on Healthcare, March 12-14, 2018, Singapore
9. Received "Senior Research Fellowship (SRF)" from ICMR, New Delhi During the Pursuing PhD Program (2008-2010).
10. Received first prize in a "debate competition" held at Annual Day of the Hostels, Vikram University, Ujjain. (2004).