About Apex Trauma Centre

Apex Trauma Centre (ATC)is a state-of-the-art Level-1 Trauma centre of SGPGIMS situated in Sector- 16, Vrindavan Yojana, Lucknow. It was started as a part of SGPGIMS vide G.O. No. 59/20173101/71-217-P-17/2008 dated 31st August 2017 to cater to trauma patients. It was inaugurated on 31st July 2018 by Hon'able Minister of Medical Education, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Mr. Ashutosh Tandon ji. It was conceived as a Level-1 Trauma centre for the state of U.P.withround-the-clock services from management of acute trauma emergencies to complete rehabilitation under one roof.

The centre has capacity for 210 beds including facility of triage, resuscitation, wards, ICUs/HDUs and operation theatres (OTs). There are six modular OTs with laminar flow and all necessary equipments including operating microscope, C-arms, etc. and its own sterilization unit. It has its own Liquid Oxygen Plant commissioned and operationalzed in 2021. There are specialty specific OPDs in this Trauma centre. The centre has diagnostic/investigation facilities like radiology (24 hour Portable X-rays, ultrasonography, CT scan),pathology, biochemistry, microbiology and blood bank. It also has its own kitchen for provision of high quality patient-specific diet supervised by trained dieticians.

There are currently eight functional specialties working at the centre; Orthopedics, Trauma Surgery, Neurosurgery, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Anaesthesia, Laboratory Medicine, Microbiology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The center is actively involved in clinical, academic & research in the field of Trauma.

Owing to the Global pandemic of COVID-19, the ATC was converted into Rajdhani Corona Hospital (RCH), the Apex Tertiary Center for COVID for the State of Uttar Pradesh in April-May 2020 (Details of the RCH are available on COVID website of sgpgi.ac.in). It is now being planned to be converted back to ATC owing to sharp decline in number of COVID cases.