The department of Hepatology was formally inaugurated and established at SGPGIMS, Lucknow on the 16th of February 2021 and started functioning with out
patient services since 19th February 2021. With its inception it became the first department specifically catering to the needs of patients with liver diseases in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Currently the department
has started functioning with both out-patient and in-patient services aimed to deal with liver diseases. Liver disease is one of the fastest-growing healthcare burdens globally as well as in India. With the rising
prevalence of lifestyle disorders, cirrhosis and its complications form one of the foremost challenges. Liver disease is complex and leads to multiple system involvement and needs tertiary level expertise with
intensive care support, close monitoring, endoscopic interventions, and integrated, holistic care. The Hepatology department, SGPGIMS, is dedicated to ensuring holistic management as per the latest protocols
and evidence for all patients with liver and associated biliary diseases. Liver transplant remains the final management modality in advanced liver disease. The department of Hepatology, as a part of the
Liver Transplant Unit (LTU) seeks to establish a robust, accessible and affordable liver transplant programme dedicated towards the ailing patients of advances liver disease.
The department has started functioning with twice weekly outpatient services (Monday and Friday). The in-patient services have also been made functional with twenty(20) inpatient beds.