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Sr .No

     Name of the Startup

                                      Brief Idea


Arficus Private Limited

AI-Based Health Tech SAAS Platform for pre-screening and future prediction of diseases.


Vyom Smart Classes Foundation Pvt Ltd

Android application which connects patients with approved medical care professionals.


Remedbooks Technologies Pvt.Ltd

Health Informatics/EHR


Dectrocel Healthcare And Research Pvt Ltd

AI based products for Pulmonary Screening & respiratory diseases


Anshika Srivastava

The Software will simulate the estimated absorbed dose for each body organ and also the estimated effective dose, for the most commonly used radioactive drugs used in cancer diagnostic and therapy.


Workboat Media Pvt.Ltd

A panel providing facility to book appointments online for all medical services.


Imagene Innolab LLP

Affordable, indigenous automation systems that will help clinical labs to increase testing. Designed and produced in India, which will be easily and quickly serviced.


Logicboots Pvt.Ltd

AI enabled autonomous Robotic Nurse is a multitasking Robot which Predict the Heart/Lungs/Respiratory problem , autonomous machine to check the Heart Rate, Perfusion Index, Oxygen Level ,Temperature ,remotely monitored.


Manodayam Pvt.Ltd

AI/ML based first-line support to mental health seekers online/chat bots- based teleconferencing and online assessment through videos/audio clips.


Sourish Haldar

In our product we will introduce cloud-based health care support.


ONELearning Edusphere Pvt Ltd

Smart Class – Residential Courses , Simulator based Training, Live & Recorded Sessions, ONE|Helpdesk, Case Study, Live E-Workshops, Language Translation, Game Based Evaluation, AI Based Image Recognition


YOLO E-Commerce Pvt.Ltd

App based Communication between Patient and Hospital


Botsinred TechnologiesPvt.Ltd

Designed and developed product - PODS which stands for Pill Organization and Dispensing System. 


Little MachinesPvt.Ltd

We at LittleMachines have designed and developed an ultra-low-cost digital slide scanning device for telepathology that gives diagnosable images and requires very light IT setup, for digital interaction and remote diagnosis and consultancy.


Innocrats - Saharsh Panda

Our solution is embedded device that does an amalgamation of Object detection and Navigation so that visually impaired can move independently.


MedBlue Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

Our solution to this problem is an easy-to-use compact product BiliSURE which is capable of monitoring the bilirubin level in the neonates non-invasively and instantly, saving the turnaround time that invasive methods take to churn out the diagnosis.


Machenn Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

Machenn is a virtual reality-based healthcare equipment training and simulation platform.


ANAD Medicare Pvt.Ltd

The flexible endoscopes which are available presently need dedicated monitor, light source, camera etc.


Dr Amit Keshri

The Face Doc - An AI  BASED point of care Diagnostic tool for Diagnosis, Etiology  and grading of Facial Palsy and also for follow up for recovery and progression of facial paralysis over time.


Pulmocare Medical System Pvt Ltd

Our product is fixed with high dose of UV-C, sufficient enough to kill the bacteria and virus within a fraction of second.  The device is to be connected on Exhalation port of ICU VENTILATOR and exhalation limb of patient circuit is connected to other side.


Sukrati MedTech Innovations Pvt.Ltd

We design, develop and produce imaging instruments for molecular biology research and medical diagnosis.


Sangrah Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

Startup proposes a device COPD Respirator with inbuilt nebulizer, power back up, remote sensing patient management and stainless steel body to cater to longevity of device and cater to domestic patients suffering from acute bronchitis, ICU recovering patients at homes.


Hind MedTech Pvt. Ltd

They provide rapid, professional and evidence-based emergency medical care for all citizens with immediate access by an app universal phone number.


 JYA Infottech

Designing and developing smart shoes for visually impaired people.


Amrit Meditech Pvt. Ltd.

Spirometer- Indigenously developed, affordable, state of art (Atmanirbhar capability for India), compact size, low power consumption, ease of usage with graphical users interface,  


Arsved Pvt ltd

The product aims to develop a very low cost reusable system to monitor the flow rate of drip system and auto closing of the system.


Softmation Innovation LLP

Tele Consulting and Health ATM – Automatics Medicine Dispenser.


Soundlear Pvt Ltd

Hearing loss can often result in difficulty in understanding sound or speech. main AIM is to solve problems of Partially Deaf persons who have lost their middle ear & cannot use Hearing Aid


ADRC Life science Pvt Ltd

Creatinine Biosensors: An enzyme coated Metal Nanoparticles


Kriti Labs Pvt Ltd

Emergency affordable digital ventilator system and method of remotely managing and monitoring a large number of patients from a Central Command Centre.


Medogle innovation Pvt Ltd

Kilkaari : Digital health tools & app assisted screening, diagnostic & management platform for pregnancy disorders


MedCab Care Pvt Ltd

Strive to make a positive impact on society by providing superior emergency medical services that save lives and promote well-being of people across India.


Flexi innovation Pvt Ltd

The immobility and rehabilitation assistive technology help people with mobility issues or physical disabilities to regain their independence and improve their quality of life.


Miimansa AI Pvt Ltd

Miimansa proposes to develop a clinical data warehouse CDW that will enable physician researchers to generate medical evidence based on patient histories in situations when the same is unavailable through randomized studies or meta-analyses.


Inframedtech Pvt Ltd

Novelty patented solution of Smart Warmer Retro-kit “Intelli-Warm” + Cloud Platform “Intelli-Warm” makes them unique in the market. There retrokit is a plug & play solution which can be installed within 15minutes on an infant warmer of any make thereby enabling digital transformation at low cost.


Mirnow LLP

Our technology revolutionizes cancer detection by advancing beyond traditional DNA-based methods.



ScitiSense is a smart belt designed for individuals aged 45–70 with sciatica pain and difficulty walking, monitoring posture, movement, and other key metrics for early detection and enabling preventative measures.


IndusArva Innovations Pvt.Ltd

The Dual Sense Oxygen Leak Detector represents a groundbreaking advancement in safety technology, designed to address the critical issue of oxygen leakages.


Dr. Malvika Upadhya

We are creating a daily use device a supertech toothbrush. This affordable toothbrush is equipped with advanced technology to help prevent oral issues to a large extent. It is designed to cater to people from different backgrounds, providing effective oral care solutions for all.


Dr. Dilip Kumar Das

Triage and reporting of critical laboratories parameters from satellite and remote labs. Reducing turnaround time, cost and required in setup with scarcity of skilled manpower


Plabs Solutions Pvt.Ltd

Startup aims to eliminate the problem of Lack of non-invasive, affordable skin tone agnostic jaundice diagnosis for neonates. Our solution is Low Cost, Non-Invasive, Skin Tone Agnostic; Neonatal Jaundice detection on AI enabled Smartphone.


Dr. Ved Prakash Maurya

The idea of developing a new version of head fixator system came after reviewing the serious complications of existing head fixator system, whether it is a three pin or four pin head fixator system.


Glexpace Nebula Robotics LLP

Glexpace has created a platform where there are psychologists who can submit all the details about them, the client can go throughout and then decide if they wish to take session from that particular psychologist.


Dr. Radha K

Impact of Artificial Intelligence enabled Smart Bins AIESB on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Health Care Workers regarding Biomedical Waste Management in selected Hospital Artificial Intelligence Enabled Smart Bins.


Narad E-care

Our aim is to provide an online health system that connects small clinics to a national grid. Through this system, clinics can access and operate on patient details with due permissions, and push and retrieve patient data based on consent provided by the patient.


Easiofy Solutions Pvt.Ltd

Easiofy is at the forefront of AI innovation in medical imaging, uniting expertise in artificial intelligence, mixed reality and healthcare to provide cutting-edge solutions.


HiiiH Technologies Pvt.Ltd

We have developed a safer and effective way to perform abdominal paracentesis in patients with ascites. Current process is high cost associated with procurement which creates burden on healthcare facilities and patients. We have mentioned detailed analysis in the attached business pitch


Blood51 Healthcare Pvt.Ltd

The product atomic1 is a blood testing kit that enables patients to get blood test results using a few drops of blood. Each kit can give results to any 3 components of blood which the user customizes.


Eagle AI Pvt.Ltd

The innovative approach to cut short the OPD burden through AI intervention of early diagnostic of the patients.


Abhishek Paul

Innovations in diagnosis and monitoring Present day practice for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis rely on markers like CRP and confirmation by Blood culture. Need for change is required because the detection rate of sepsis by Blood culture is around 20 percent. Point of care test involves blood plasma protein quantification and leucocyte monitoring Point of care tests can be microbiological based, molecular diagnostic based or pathogen removal.